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FOOD LOOP is an interactive exhibition around the theme of Food, main topic of Expo2015; the project involved 14 photographers of LUZ. who developed the theme of Food, not just as nourishment but also as psychological and social medium: pleasure and damnation, perversion and eroticism, necessity and ephemeral, misery and opulence, drama and irony, production and consumption, life and death; contrasts and dichotomies fixed in a work of great artistic value.

I'll take part to FOOD LOOP with Weight and Sea, a personal project consisting in a series of candid photographs taken last year while roaming the Mediterranean Sea on board of a cruise ship, on the role of food as a mean of entertainment.
For those (Italian readers only, I apologize) who can't make it to the exhibition, here you can find the statement of the project (link). 

Curated by Massimo Mastrorillo.
Works by M. Balsamini, F. Biasi, F. Ciamei, E. Cremaschi, G: Gazzilli, M. Insolera, P. Martinello, M. Mastrorillo, G. Micalizzi, F. Romano, A. Schreyer, M. Smerdel, G. Troilo.
Venue: Bou-Tek - Via Gonzaga 7 - Milano
Opening hours: 10.30-18.30, June 24-30